- Often bags are made in China and shipped thousands of kilometers using unique fossil fuels while polluting the oceans and shores with the exhaust from dirty marine fuel just to get them to the place where they are to be reused
- Often bags are made of plastic which takes a long time to decompose. They can't be washed.
- If bags are not reused they are more environmentally damaging than disposable thin bags because they are made with more solid materials.
- Many cheap recyclable bags are made in Chinese factories from polypropylene, using 28 times as much energy as a disposable bag
- Cotton bags can require a large amount of water and energy to produce and may use harsh chemical dyes. However they can be washed and reused for a long time like clothing.
- Paper bags destroy trees and the factories pollute water and air. They can be reused many times but usually aren't.
Producers of reusable bags have reported big increases in sales.